Guest Blog #1: Fat Blogging by Malea Marx

Today is a new day for Party Now, Apocalypse Later Industries. We're going to start periodically posting guest blogs here. Today, or first guest post is "Fat Blogging" by Malea Marx. Malea writes with a raw, uncompromising voice that both you and I can only hope for. I'm thrilled she is our first entry, and you will be too. You can also check out her tumblr here.

How do you get in on the guest blogging action? I'm so glad you asked. We'll pay for guest blogs, and all you have to do is send your post to in order to be considered. If you've been reading the blog up until this point, you know what kind of posts I like. I'll entertain anything in the same vein. I'll also entertain posts that will are completely different, that I'd never be able to write in a 1000 years. Send me your best, and if you have that Party Now, Apocalypse Later something, I'll send some bucks your way!

Now, enough about the opportunities on the site, on with our first guest blog:

Fat Blogging by: Malea Marx

Have you seen the Calvin Klein ads with their first “plus size” model? To be fair, Calvin Klein hasn’t labeled her as such, but many sources have. Her name is Myla Dalbesio. She is 5’11” and a size 10. She’s absolutely stunning.


There is nothing about this photo that I have a problem with. She’s beautiful, and, in my opinion, pretty much has the ideal female form. Long limbs, hourglass shape, full breasts, collar bones to die for, and we’re not even talking about her face.

But this isn’t about her.

We’re inundated with messages about what appearance is appropriate. Too short, too tall, too fat (is there any such thing as too thin according to the media?), too scrawny, too muscular, too dark, too light, too something. If we don’t fit this fabled idea of what a body should be, it’s because we’re not trying hard enough. God forbid we be overweight. A little chub is bad enough, but when we approach the O word, there’s clearly something wrong with us.

Here’s the thing: I’m a fat girl. I don’t think I’ve ever posted a full picture of myself online. I could say it's because I'm concerned with online safety or privacy, but that would be a lie. The truth is, seeing pictures of myself is somewhat startling. I still think of myself as I was in high school (23 years ago) at 180 pounds and in amazing shape. I participated in four sports, played the quads in marching band, was involved in a ridiculous number of extracurricular activities, and was just generally fit and active. Instead, from 2000 to 2005, I doubled my weight. Since then, I have hovered around 375 pounds.

Even though I lived it, it’s astonishing to think that a person could gain 180 pounds in five short years. This breaks down to about 36 pounds a year - three pounds a month. That sounds like a lot. I had to eat at least 5,000 calories a day to pack on that much weight, right? Using loose math (there is no solid scientific answer as to how many calories one must eat in order to gain a pound), that’s only about 280-370 extra calories a day. One candy bar over. Twenty-four too many potato chips. One cup of yogurt for a midnight snack. A quarter of a pint of Ben and Jerry’s at the end of a terrible day.

Here’s what people don’t understand. I didn't get this way just because I like food. I didn't get this way just because I blew out my knee, had it reconstructed, and could no longer play sports or be active like I had always been. I didn't get this way because I was lazy. It’s something else that people, including myself, often can't see.

They can't see the girl who was losing her mind when her nightmares and flashbacks got so bad she couldn't sleep and for whom life is still a major struggle.

They can't see the girl whose family told her she was disgusting, going to hell, couldn't live at home anymore, wasn't allowed to sing in church because she "clearly didn't mean it," wouldn't be allowed to see her nieces and nephews because she would be a bad influence, couldn't use her aunt's pool to throw a birthday party for her girlfriend because her aunt and uncle didn't want their son to think that being gay was okay (though it was frequently used by other family members for similar events), who was forced to go to religion based psychotherapy, a process that reforms gay people after being forced out of the closet at 19.

They can't see the girl who, from the age of 13, was called sociopath, liar, trouble maker, family destroyer when she tried, repeatedly, to get someone, anyone, to listen about the abuse she'd been enduring her entire life.

They can't see the suicidal ideations and attempts, the scars that crisscrossed her arms and stomach and thighs, the pounds of junk food binged because she didn't feel like she deserved to have food that would be healthy for her, the hours of therapy, the weeks of hospitalizations, the bottles of medications.

They can't see the girl who endured practically every category of abuse, and in fact sought it out as a way to try to protect her younger sisters.

They can't see the girl who was so angry at everything that all she wanted to do was scream and be left alone to listen to music, who had been serving as a replacement parent since before she even started school, who took her anger out on her sisters because she was given the responsibility but not the authority to take care of them, who punched through a window to shatter glass into her cousin's face, who stabbed a pencil through a classmate's arm, who thrashed said classmate’s twin brother, who easily dispatched any boy who pushed her too far (other girls seemed smart enough not to start fights).

All people see is the fat.

There's no recognition of the torture and torment that went into every swollen adipose cell. There's no thought given to why those cells got that way. The assumption is that the morbidly obese (do we even need to talk about that terminology?) person is lazy, dirty, slovenly, gluttonous, unhealthy, has no self-control, has no will power, and is generally sub-human.

Obesity is the last politically correct and socially acceptable prejudice. It implies that it’s okay to judge someone for being overweight because it’s obvious they just eat too much. It’s easy to be bigoted when society supports that bias because the individual has no self-control. It’s understandable, and even lauded, when the (unwanted, unsolicited) advice is: “Just exercise!”

Am I saying that I don’t like to eat? Am I saying that I exercise the recommended amount? Am I saying that the calories I ingest are always fewer than the calories burned? Of course not. I’m not unaware of my own shortcomings. I’m not naive enough to think that anyone (including myself) would believe it if I were to claim it.

What I am saying is this: When you look at an overweight person, especially someone as drastically overweight as I am, ask yourself why. The how is simple: it’s mathematics, science, fuel intake versus fuel burned. The why, however, may very well be something you never would have considered.

Cheat Week

I started this year with the goal of blogging at least once per week. Blogging is real hard, folks. In the past several weeks, trying to maintain the pace of the blog has taken precious time away from producing the novels that I first built this site to promote. So, I'm revising the initial promise I only previously made to myself. Every eight weeks I'm going to give myself a cheat week, kind of like people trying to diet*. 

So next week I'll be back. Some of the blog entries I'm working on for the next few weeks include an ode to famous writing spaces (and the inherent misogyny of such a concept), a new book review (someone's been up to murder in a strip mall, and I for one would only trust Shannon Iwanski to guide us through the mystery), and a study of nerd blind spots**.

As I'm letting myself off light, I think you should do the same. If you're putting in your time with whatever it is you do, don't be afraid to give yourself a break every now and then. Your blog will always be there tomorrow.

What's that? In the process of avoiding a blog entry this week, I've somehow managed to make a blog entry? What are you, the blogging police?



*Diet. Ha. I know, right?  

**Spoiler alert: That entry will be spent largely complaining about a certain TV show I prefer to think of as "Two Dim-Witted Gap Models try to figure out the Devil."

The Dread Part Three, Part Two

Last week, I did a brief analysis of trilogy-enders that in some cases didn't live up to their series, and in some cases diminished the movies that preceded them*. I stand by the movies I included, even if George Lucas has been sending me the most vulgar text messages, and I'm pretty sure the dead horse head in a UPS package was a special delivery from the Coppola winery.

I don't want to trash on things in this blog, though. It's much more fun to like things than to dump on things. Unfortunately, the good trilogy capper is a hard thing to find. It took me an extra week just to find the three that I list here. 

Toy Story 3  (2010)  


The final moments of Toy Story 2 (1999) allude to a grim fate that--despite Buzz (Tim Allen) and Woody's (Tom Hanks) adventures in the film--still awaits them. Andy will still grow up. That day is coming, and no manner of madcap antics in an airport baggage area can save them from their ultimate fate.

Early discussions regarding the third trip to Andy's (John Morris) toy box revolved around a massive Buzz Lightyear recall. In this version, Pixar would not be involved. It's not a bad idea for an inciting incident to propel Woody and company into another adventure, but I can't imagine that version of the movie wouldn't have been a let down from the first two entries.

Eventually, Pixar and Disney merged in a way never thought before possible, and the real house of ideas was once again back in the helm of the franchise. Pixar's answer to the story problems was simple, but also bold for a children's film. Make that sad hypothetical fate a pointedly present reality.

Andy leaves for college, and the toys are fresh out of future. It seems the only thing left for them is the furnace at the end of a landfill (Max von Sydow**). Just as we are thinking Pixar is actually going to kill off everyone, the film manages to find its way past the doom that hung over the previous movie and give the characters a new lease on life. If your story can make you face your own mortality and make you fine with that eventuality, you've done something miraculous, regardless of whether or not it is a part one or part three.

The lesson: Don't be afraid to bring your characters not only to their doom, but to the very brink of their worst nightmares, and then retrieve them from that brink. Also, Michael Keaton (Michael Keaton) always helps. I'm looking right at you, Batman Forever.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly  (1966)


The film that defines the western for so money is actually the capper of a trilogy that started with A Fistful of Dollars (1964) and continuing through For a Few Dollars More (1965). Beyond Clint Eastwood's Man-With-No-Name, there is little to connect the three films. This may be part of the virtue of The Good... Few watch Eastwood's gunslinger and not have to say, "Yeah, that was all right... but Fistful is way better." Pure standalone films may be the secret to getting over the trilogy curse.

The lesson: You can be a lot freer to take liberties with your trilogy if the three parts are only loosely connected and your protagonist has no name. Not trying for a trilogy at all can't hurt the third and final part of your story. Ennio Morricone will make up any lost ground, too.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home  (1986)


Yes, I know it's a part four, but when you really consider the storytelling at play in TOS-based Star Trek movies, the death and resurrection of Spock (Leonard Nimoy) forms a loose trilogy opening with The Wrath of Khan*** and concluding with this movie.

The virtues of the 80s Trek movies are on full display here. Genre hopping within a series is a virtue. While Wrath of Khan is a submarine movie in the stars, and The Search for Spock is a competent, if more by-the-numbers adventure story, The Voyage Home complete upends the status quo and offers us an environmental fable masquerading as a fish-out-of-water comedy. From the debate about Italian food that should be more at home within an Abbott and Costello**** film, to the madcap chase through a San Francisco hospital, the film actually works. It shouldn't, but by the end of the movie, the franchise has new life in the shape of a brand-new Starship Enterprise, and the "even-numbered movies are better" theory is solidified, until Nemesis shit the shuttle sixteen years later.

The lesson: It doesn't hurt that the conclusion of your trilogy isn't actually your third story. Actually, it is far more useful to genre hop in your series if you want to keep things lively. Also, when in doubt, just have Nicholas Meyer write it*****.

What "part three” worked for you? Which ones did I leave off of this or last week's list? Did the Evil Dead series perfect itself with Army of Darkness? Do you prefer your Bourne movies to be Jeremy Renner-less? Did you watch Ocean's Eleven and think the movie could use 100% less Julia Roberts and 100% more Al Pacino? Leave me some feedback in the comments so I can know what not to avoid, or in the alternative, approach my doom with eyes wide open.


*I didn't even get to The Matrix Revolutions, a movie that is getting off light in this series. It can thank Reloaded for its clemency.

**Look it up. No. Don't do that; come back. Come back.

***If you're not okay with people referring to Wrath of Khan, then we're going to have a difficult time being friends. Seriously, it’s entirely possible that I really loathe Star Trek as a whole, but that I love TWOK so much that I forgive anything that even resembles it. Seriously seriously, 97 out of 100 times when my wife wistfully asks me "What are you thinking about right now?" I'm thinking about the Genesis Device and Ceti Eels.

****I was about to say I would watch the shiiiiiiiiiiiit out of Abbott and Costello join Starfleet, but then I remembered Abbott and Costello go to Mars. Withdrawn. Wow. Those guys did do everything, didn't they?

*****I'd be so on board with a movie starring Michael Keaton (Michael Keaton), scored by Ennio Morricone and written by Nicholas Meyer. I'd see it five times opening weekend.



The Dread Part Three, Part One

I've spent most of the last year and a half feeling an odd sympathy for George Lucas. I mentioned it in the acknowledgments of Orson Welles of Mars, but prequels are hard business. Trying to conjure real stakes out of the ether while the fate of your characters has long since been written is not a simple thing. I think I did okay with the challenge. If you start ignoring the rules of the space-time continuum, you can kill anybody with impunity. Multiple times*. Don't take my word for it. Find out for yourself here.

Unfortunately, I never knew how easy I had it.

Prequels are hard, but there is another type of story that has repeatedly made mincemeat out of storytellers great and small. The trilogy finale is the waterloo for so many. As I continue work on the third book in the Orson series I can't help but wonder if I am typing my way into my own private quagmire. Here are just a few examples of objectively great movie series that ended up leaving a funny aftertaste.

Return of the Jedi (1983)

I know writing unkind words about the Original Trilogy these days is sacculturous**, but before my buddy George unleashed The Phantom Menace, many considered Episode VI the nadir of the series. Ewoks were often marched around as a chief sign of the film's uneven qualities. Had the great bearded and flannelled one stopped there, we might have viewed Jedi as the dull thud of a great film series. As it stood, it was only a portent of things to come. This, of course, was all before Lucas replaced the unbridled joy of the celebration song with a Gungan refrain and a cameo from Hayden Christensen.

What's the lesson to be found in Jedi for other trilogies? Don't give in to your worst instincts.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade*** (1989)

There are only two absolute truths in the Indiana Jones series. First, Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) is nearly perfect. Yes, Indiana Jones has nothing to do with the progress of the plot, but if that ruins the movie for you, then you're broken. Deal with it. Second, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) is significantly less than perfect. If you disagree with that assessment, well... I don't know what to do with you anymore.

Some might say that Temple of Doom (1984) is the inferior of the pre-Labeouf entries. Mrs. Spielberg is shrill. The thugee cult isn't...super culturually sensitive. Monkey brains. I get it. However, Temple of Doom is a shamelessly different movie than Raiders. Aside from the reversal of Indy's shooting of the swordsmen, there is not one beat that is similar between the two films. Temple starts, not with a giant rolling boulder, but a musical number. "Anything Goes," indeed.

Last Crusade , aside from Sean Connery relishing playing the greatest nerd of the twentieth century, is merely a house built on the greatness of Raiders. Nazis. Marcus Brody. That moment when there's a painting of the Ark of the Covenant in the Venetian catacombs. I'm really sorry, George. Things were getting out of control for you far before you met Ewan McGregor.

What's the lesson in Last Crusade ? Don't go back to the well. 

The Dark Knight Rises  (2012) 

An aggressive letdown from the superlative second entry in the Nolan trilogy, Rises suffers from several problems that aren't necessarily the fault of the filmmakers. For my money, Heath Ledger's Joker is left alive at the end of The Dark Knight  (2008) with an intention to bring him back for the inevitable sequel. Imagine Cillian Murphy's cameo as the Scarecrow if it had been played by one of the most iconic screen villains of all time. In that case, one could even have imagined the role expanded to introduce some much needed terror and chaos into Bane's lawless Gotham.

Beyond this minor quibble, the film is overcrowded. In its nearly three hour run-time, Nolan tried to distill several notable comic storylines into one movie. Elements from Year One, Knightfall, No Man's Land, and The Dark Knight Returns all make appearances. Trouble is that is two and a half years’ worth of comics jammed into one movie. None of the storylines are able to breathe, and many conflict with one another. Batman has to quit being Batman twice during the course of the movie in order for any of the events to approach cogency. It also doesn't help matters that the entire third act hinges on Batman trying to get rid of a particularly pesky bomb. It all sounds so familiar... 


What's the lesson to learn from Rises? Don't try to jam everything into your finale. Make sure the basic plot of the story doesn't need anything more than thirty back issues to explain it.

Back to the Future Part III  (1990) 

Yes. I know. In the past, if someone suggested to me that any part of Robert Zemeckis' time travel epic was anything less than perfection, I would activate hissy fit mode. The only thing that would calm me down? A viewing of Back to the Future Part III.

Here's the confession part of the blog: I get it. The western motif is largely out of left field. The whole "nobody calls me chicken" runner through the sequels isn't really character development. It's a character trait that disappears when it stands in the way of a happy ending.

Then there is the Jules Verne Train. That's its name. Look it up. Throughout the whole series, one of the main struggles Doc Brown and Marty McFly have is keeping the DeLorean time machine in working order. No "easily" accessible plutonium in the 1950's. No combustion engine in 1885. However, when the happy ending demands it, Doc Brown is able to make a fully-functioning, steam-powered time machine off screen. I always thought the final minutes of Part III would have worked better if Joe Flaherty showed up at the wreck of the DeLorean**** with another Western Union telegram from the distant past. Doc Brown could have given the same message with the same soaring score, and every rule established in those movies didn't have to fly out the window. I guess if they had done that, then people would have wondered what happened to Doc Brown's dog, Einstein. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I suppose.  

I feel so dirty admitting all of that.

What's the lesson from Back to the Future Part III? Sometimes you absolutely stick the landing! No... Time to cut loose from the denial. The real lesson is: Don't ignore the rules of your world, even if you feel like that is the only way your saga can have a happy ending.

The Godfather Part III 





Just don't


The lesson: Just don't.

I try to make a rule of not being negative in these blog posts. I would even venture to say that I like the above examples, but can acknowledge their pitfalls. Except for Godfather III...  I mean, come on Coppola, even if you got Winona Ryder to play Pacino's daughter, it still would have been three hours of muddled Vatican intrigue punctuated by Michael Corleone dying out of nowhere years after the movie took place*****.

But what about those good part three's out there? I had to comb the depths of IMDB just to find a few examples. 

Those will come next week. In the meantime, what trilogy cappers fell on their face for you? Which ones even managed to tarnish the memories of the preceding movies? Let me know in the comments.



*Now there's a pair of sentences only a writer can get away with. 

**A word I just created fusing sacrilegious and cultural. I’m not terribly fond of it.

***Sorry again, George.

****Spoiler alert?

*****Spoiler alert?





If the kid's all right, I'm all right.

In the age of Donald Trump*, it might do to re-visit our definition of success.

Is the easy definition money? One need not look to Trump alone to drift to this conclusion. It's simple; it's quantifiable. It's kind of a dumb definition, right? To quote Mr. Bernstein in Citizen Kane, "It's no trick to make a lot of money, if all you want to do is make a lot of money.**" There's got to be some better definition.

Committing one's soul to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?

Nah... Had you going with that one, didn't I?

A full life, filled with love, laughter, friends, work that excites you, and repeated viewings of Paul Verhoeven's Robocop

Sure, that'll do just fine.

But how can I measure those intangibles? How can I make a simpler, better form of success as undeniable as the riches that somehow make

Here's the best way I can come up with:

Imagine yourself at the age of 10. Now, describe your current life to the child-you. Don't skip over anything, but really try to sell the experience of you in the present, despite the fact that your mark has no choice but to eventually buy the product.

Here's my pitch to Mac Boyle, age 10, circa 1994:

How about that last episode of Next Gen? Yeah. Twenty-two years later, it still holds up***.

Who am I? I'm you. I'm from a little over twenty years in the future. Yes, you can travel through time, but it’s more of an intellectual exercise. Little disappointments are a part of life.

What's the world of the twenty-ten's like? It's... It's fine. No, there isn't commonplace space travel. Truth be told, the US doesn't even have its own spacecraft anymore. I'd say "Thanks, Obama," but the irony wouldn't play at this point in the space-time continuum.

What do I do in the future? Well, that's a complica-- No. It's not that complicated. I'm a writer. You're going to be a writer. As I write this blog, you have four books behind you, with another one on the way. Things will only grow from there. Are you rich? Are you famous? Well, the publishing industry works a little bit differently in the future...

I know you're a fearful kid. I'm not quite sure what it is about you that makes you think one mistake will ruin your life forever. I blame that time you stayed up late and caught a stray episode of the Freddy Krueger TV Series. The thirty seconds you watched of Stephen King's IT in 1990 didn't help either. While the world can be a scary place, there is a lot less to be afraid of than you think.

Life has plenty of good in it. There are many friends. Each has a connection to various points in your life. You'll get to keep up with all of them through the wonder of Facebook. What's Facebook? It's-- No. I'm not going to tell you. I wouldn't want to ruin all the... fun?

A TV show essentially about Doc Brown and Marty McFly, except Doc Brown has a profound drinking problem. The Melodica cover of the Jurassic Park theme. The former Governor of Alaska. There will be plenty to laugh at in the future.

Wally Hickel, 2nd Governor of Alaska. One look at this face, and one cannot help but laugh... Who did you think I was talking about?

Wally Hickel, 2nd Governor of Alaska. One look at this face, and one cannot help but laugh... Who did you think I was talking about?

At the time of this writing, it's Saturday night. You're watching Babylon 5 on DVD****. You're sitting with your wife. You've been married four years. She gets you. That's as rare as you already suspect. You're pretty sure you get her, too.

You lucked out.

And what's more? You can watch Robocop any time you want. Seriously, DVDs are great.

So, what do you think, kid? You okay with becoming me?

Here's hoping.


*With all due prayers to Krom that such an era ends soon.

**Yep. I can quote Citizen Kane without looking it up. You'll get used to it in this blog, my books, and when I talk in my sleep.

***It was the only cultural milestone from 1994 that I could remember. Had to find some sort of ice breaker for the old boy.

****I really should have warned him about the advent of DVD. I could have saved a fortune.

You may have to go digging for it: TV Shows that are nowhere to be found on streaming.

As of February 1st, Netflix is dropping Doctor Who from its lineup. So many people--your faithful blogger included--stumbled upon the show through their watch instantly service, that I wonder if the growth and continued popularity of the show might suffer in the years to come. 

It led me to think of other shows that are trapped in the wasteland of shows not on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Yahoo! Screen (R.I.P.), etc. It used to be such a pleasure to find box sets of beloved shows at DVD stores* and borrowing discs to previously unknown shows. How would any of us have ever watched Arrested Development without DVDs?

Let's take a look into the Party Now, Apocalypse Later vault** for some examples of not-streaming, and partly forgotten TV series.

Babylon 5




Serialized storytelling in televised genre entertainment was completely unheard of in the mid-nineties. It's common place now, and depending on whom you ask, J. Michael Straczynski's outer space epic was first on the scene.

Despite the animosity alluded to between this production and the behemoth (at that time) Star Trek machine, Babylon 5 was a flavor all of its own. Yes, the rough similarities between this show and middle-child Deep Space Nine led some to whisper of Paramount stealing the concept of the show for their own purposes. However, its depiction of an epic battle against sometimes good and often evil, political propaganda, and frank depiction of alcoholism and drug abuse could never be touched upon in Roddenberryland.

It's definitely a product of the time in which it was produced. The special effects--especially in the early seasons--could be reproduced now with MS Paint***. Bugs still had to be worked out in the practicality of long-form storytelling. An-ever shifting cast--especially the sudden departure of the lead actor after season one--proved disorienting. Also, the very real possibility of cancellation at the end of season four forced Straczynski and company to wrap up most of their continuing stories at the end of that year. The ensuing fifth season lacks focus as a result.

Still, the disappearance of the show from the eye of modern fandom is a bit of mystery, if it weren't for the fact that it is nowhere to be found in cyberspace. Amazon and iTunes will charge you $1.99 an episode, but the DVD sets can be found at about $15.00 a pop. I've been re-watching it recently, and beyond the mere trip down memory lane, I recommend it immensely!

Boston Legal

Why this show isn't being offered a second life on either Hulu or Netlfix is beyond me. It received such glowing love from the Emmys when it aired that its disappearance is perhaps the most perplexing of all the shows included on this list. For those of you who have made The Blacklist such a hit, everything you love about James Spader was perfected on this show. William Shatner plays what I can only hope is himself with a few extra eccentricities added for good measure.

It's a show about the importance of friendship, the issues of the day, and Rene Auberjonois has a recurring role! Its sister shows that premiered in the 2004-2005 season LOST and Grey's Anatomy (still on the air?) can easily be found in an instant, Boston Legal can only be found on disc. Find it now!

I'd lend you my copy of season 2, but it’s signed by William Shatner****. You can look, but don't touch.


Do you like Castle? Still? Well, the show that made Bruce Willis a household name offered equal doses of murder-of-the-week and will-they-won't-they tension and managed to be much weirder in the process.

An entire black-and-white Rashomon-inspired episode features an opening hosted by none other than Orson Welles, in one of his last screen appearances. The second season finale devolves into a chase sequence while the production crew of the show tries to shut down the show for the year. Castle may be the wrong comparison. With its often misbehaving cast and casual relationship to the fourth wall, Moonlighting was Community before Community.

As with all other items on this list, discs are available for those intrepid enough to go hunting. I would recommend bowing out around the third season. When David and Maddie finally "will they", the show is infinitely less interesting, despite its occasional flights of fancy.

Batman (1966-1968)

The other entries on this list have been available on DVD and/or Blu Ray for a number of years. Until recently, the show that made onomatopoeia a valid editing choice, tried to kill Cesar Romero's mustache (but failed), and canonically established the Dark Knight's favorite drink as milk couldn't even be found on DVD.

Your only option in recent years to find Adam West and Burt Ward was to hope a cable channel started airing them in the wee hours of the morning. These airings were always in standard definition, grainy as the day they aired. Although not on streaming, the entire series is now available in a crystal-clear Blu Ray set. It's almost as if you can reach out touch the obscured whiskers on the Joker's face.

Post Burton and Nolan, the 1960's version of the Dynamic Duo has occasionally gotten a bad rap. The accusations of campy have ignored that at its height the show was the funniest thing on TV. The movie made between their first and second seasons for my money is one of the funniest movies of all time. Taken for its actual intent, and not for what we've now come to expect from Batman, the show is the best.

What other shows have disappeared from the internet, but still hold a place in your hearts and on your bookshelves? Any shows you keep physical copies of, just in case Netflix loses its mind and gets rid of them?




*Kids, ask your parents.

**Really, just a series of plywood bookshelves near my kitchen.

***Believe me, I've tried.

****After a day of signing an endless sea of mint-condition-still-in-the-box Captain Kirk action figures, the once and future TJ Hooker looked at me with a bemused and borderline thankful expression when I came around with such an unusual item.