Movie Theaters of Days Past: Part Five of Five: Village Movies 8 (Just off of Memorial near 71st) ALSO: The theaters that didn’t, couldn’t or wouldn’t make the list.

Note: I went to these movies from 1990 through the first week in July, 2016.


First things first: an editorial note about last week’s entry. My father mentioned a particular outing to the Sand Springs Cinemark that went down in family history, and I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it in this series:

The movie: Gladiator (2000). We’re watching the movie, and it’s fine. One of the other theater goers (we came to call him “Cletus”) leans over to his progeny (we came to call him “Little Spud”) and says loudly so that we all hear him over the carnage and savagery of Rome, “Now, you understand boy, they’re all bad guys, ‘cause they have false Gods.”

The pronounced eye roll my pop and I shared has echoed through the ages.

Now, on with this week’s final entry.

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Maybe Movie Theaters are passé. A movie theater is the first date with the one you marry, or the one that got away. It's surprise outings with your parents when you are kid that you still remember twenty-five years later. It's the only place where you can enter when it is light, time bends, you have no awareness of the outside world, and when you exit, night has fallen in your absence. But, let’s be honest. Home video technology has advanced to the point where the only good a movie theater is a shared cinematic experience. This can be good and bad. I recently went to a 75th anniversary of Citizen Kane, and the film took on a whole new life in front of an audience, some of whom had never seen it before. On the other hand, see the above incident with Cletus and his spawn.

The memories of these places have been on my mind a lot lately. Movie Theaters are now built more as recliner showrooms than movie houses, but I long for the movie theaters of my youth. Some are still plugging along, more or less. Others have been (likely permanently) lost to the sands of time. Over the past few weeks I explored the older, perhaps less-loved movie theaters of this town I call home. Join me, won’t we?

For this week’s entry, I closed out my travelogue* of the lower theaters by stopping by the Village Movies 8.

Movies I memorably saw here in the past:

Star Trek: Generations (1994). I’m ten years old, and I had acquired the screenplay to the forthcoming movie at a Star Trek convention six months earlier, so the movie held no surprises for me. Kids, that’s exactly the kind of thing we had to do back in the day if we wanted a film ruined for us before opening weekend.

I Am Legend (2007). I went to a number of movies at this theater during the dark, grim days of my brief attendance at Law School. The memories of which movies I saw during this period (aside from I Am Legend) have become hazy, but the ability to run away from a life perpetually out of control sticks with me quite well. 


The Village 8 Movie theater, for the multiple hands that the theater has gone through, it has gone largely unchanged after a cursory glance. The theater closed recently, but a theater owner who had just closed another venue elsewhere in town and has upgraded the individual theaters with the remaining bits of his now defunct first-run theater. As such, it was a surprisingly modern set-up for a second run house, and I would really recommend you give the place a shot.

Oh, yes. There was also a movie involved in this little outing:

I saw The Boss starring Melissa McCarthy. It was fine. Ghostbusters is funnier. C’est la vie.

Final verdict: 

The Movies 8 is fine. I can say without any thread of doubt that it is the nicest second-run theater in town. New amenities and the latest projection systems (again, film would be nice, but I get now that might be an unreasonable request) mean you get an experience close to some of the newer first-run theaters in the city. 

But that isn’t the point. These posts have been an attempt to look back and get some sense of feeling that these theaters once brought me. I largely did get to visit those feelings, but with so much of the core business of movie theaters, I find myself missing the experience of going to the movie theater when I was younger, and those feelings will likely never come again.

You know what? I don’t really have too much more to say about this theater. The entire time I’m sitting there while Melissa McCarthy goes through her faux Martha Stewart routine (more on that later), I can’t help but think about all the theaters I can’t go to because they are no longer there. I really want to talk about them. So I will.

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Woodland Hills Cinema 6

Right across the street from the Movies 8, no less. Even when it was running, this probably wasn’t the greatest movie theater in town. In fact, I can only remember seeing one movie there in particular, but it was a doozy. Begging and pleading throughout the summer of 1992 yielded a screening of Batman Returns that was equal parts thrilling, horrifying, and… formative**.

The theater lay abandoned for years after it closed in 2001.  And then they tore it down and put in a Wal-Mart Supercenter. Some people just have no respect for the proper use of commercial real estate.

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Fox Four

A smaller theater that spent most of it’s last days as a second-run house. Large fabric murals of Superman and Indiana Jones remain in my head as testament to the last time the place saw a face lift. Aside from seeing The Empire Strikes Back (1997 Special Edition) there, the theater’s main claim to fame was its proximity to the late, great Novel Idea bookstore. If there is such a thing as heaven, one hopes a second-run theater and a book store are within walking distance of each other. Now, the bookstore is a Dollar Tree, and the theater has been converted to a gym and tanning salon. Not quite the caustic insult of a Wal-Mart, but still disappointing.

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Fontana 6

This one might yet be a bright spot, one possible opportunity to bring a movie theater back from the brink, although it is probably the least personally memorable on the list. For the life of me, the only movie I can firmly pinpoint seeing at the theater was the leaden Carrot Top vehicle Chairman of the Board (1998). Yes, you read that right. Had it not been for my father and I, the reported box office receipts of $181,233 would be an even $181,230.

A church now runs the space, and I can’t help but wonder if the congregation were to ever fall on hard times, the space might yet be converted to its truer purpose.

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Photo Credit: Lauren Grubb via

Annex 7

Ah, the Annex 7. I won’t even get into all the movies I saw at this theater, before it so callously had the nerve to disappear in the late ‘90s. If I ever found myself trapped in the past***, the first place I would go is to the Annex 7 to catch a screening of…anything. I’d see any movie there, if given half the chance. When I think of where I fell in love with movies, it was in this place. Like many theaters in this list. It isn’t quantifiably anything special, but it is one of the most special places in the world. And it’s gone.

I will mention one movie I saw there. It is the late spring of 1990. I am nearly six years old. I have already nearly worn out my VHS copy of Back to the Future Part II (1989), and my imagination is aflame with how great the promised third movie will be. Then, activity. Sudden. Unfathomable. Dad is coming home early from work, and we are then going…somewhere. In the pit of my stomach, I feel like a doctor’s visit is in my immediate future. 

No. We go see Part III. The only thing better than Back to the Future is brand-new, surprise Back to the Future. That particular alchemy of positive things has never occurred again. Even on the inevitable day Universal gives into the immovable forces of the modern movie marketplace and remakes the original movie, something will be lost in translation. It is one of my fondest, and clearest childhood memories.

But did it really go away? It was most certainly demolished in the efforts to revitalize the Southroads area in the late 90’s. But the 41st and Yale Vintage Stock stands at its old location. I get most of my DVDs and Blu Rays here. Old habits die hard; I just can’t stop getting my movie fix from this location.

There are plenty of other Tulsa theaters that come to mind. The Park Lane Twin at 51st and Sheridan, which was subsequently gutted to become a campus of the now-defunct Wright Career College. The Eastland Mall 6, that was sadly swallowed up by the collapsing mall around it. Even the Promenade 8 disappeared in front of the newer (and now decaying) Regal Promenade 12.

Are there any disappeared theaters that tug at your memories? Let me know in the comments.


*I had originally intended to include the Admiral Twin Drive In, but as my home of Oklahoma has been dubbed by meteorologists as “fundamentally indistinguishable from fire,” that trip may have to wait until the fall. There may be yet another entry in the offing!

**Thank you, Michelle Pfeiffer. I’m so proud that I didn’t have to look up how to spell “Pfeiffer.”

***Which, for the record, has yet to happen to me.

The Flea Marketer's Tale

The Tulsa Flea Market, held at the Tulsa Expo Center, is mysteriously one of the few naturally occurring phenomena that doesn't really change. When I was a kid, it was a treasure trove of toys and knicknacks from an era before I was done. Before George Lucas re-flooded the market with items in the mid-nineties ahead of the prequels, the Tulsa Flea Market was the only place nerd larvae like myself could find Star Wars toys. Now, it is a perfect time capsule of the tchotchkes of my own youth. You may not be able to go home again. But occasionally you can find the various pieces of the past available for negotiable prices. I periodically go back to that hallowed place that time forgot, and I thought I'd share some of my recent observations.

  • As I'm buying two packs each of cards from The Rocketeer, and Batman (1989), the guy at the booth says: "Don't chew the gum." My first response? "Oh! I don't chew gum!"
  • Can you imagine what twenty-seven year old bubble gum is like? Well, it has the consistency of plaster, has an aroma like what you would expect a ressurrected mummy to smell like, and vaguely whispers the word "doooooooom" as you open the package. How does it taste? I have no idea; I've never chewed a piece of gum. No, really.
  • Note about those trading cards: I'm now the proud owner of a photograph of what appears to be TV's Arli$$, Robert Wuhl, threatening Tim Burton with a baseball bat. The things you find in these places, I tell ya...
Johnny Depp's best friend never saw him coming... 

Johnny Depp's best friend never saw him coming... 

  • I saw a little kids to another table, who in turn saw a Michael Jackson in-his-military-style-jacket doll and for the better part of five minutes tried to draw his father's attention to it. "Dad, look! A newscaster! A newscaster! Dad, look!" I'm still trying to figure that one out.
  • Then again, some aren't interested in negotiating. One merchant had a copy of Bob Kane's autobiography "Batman and Me." I asked the price, and he said ten bucks. Originally sold at 15, it seemed like a rip off.
  • It's just now occurring to me that the Tulsa Flea Market is where all the items from the fabled Batmania of 1989 went after they left the shelves of Wal Mart. It also explains why I'm such a repeat customer.
  • Every time, every time I'm there, I see one older man with a booth that is nothing but a massage table. Extending the mystery, nearly every time I walk by his booth, he has an eager customer on the table. I'm not sure if you need a license for that sort of thing, but man, I hope he has some kind of credentials if anyone starts asking questions.
  • I wish I still had a VHS player. For that matter, I wish a place lousy with VHS tapes might have a machine able to play them for sale.
  • A man with a pink mohawk and a tattoo that read "heretic" inquired as to the identity of a loose action figure. The dealer plead the fifth, explained, "If it's weird, I sell it. Doesn't mean I know what it is." The fact that I knew it was Rat King from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line, and I didn't need to Google it to find out. Sign number 358 that my day job is completely incapable of using my real skills in any meaningful way.
  • I find the typewriters in a flea market like flocks of bird somehow know to go south in the winter and back again in the spring. Two Smith Coronas and an Underwood lured me to the far end of the inhabited tables... But against all odds, I walked away without adding to my already stellar arsenal of antiquated machines. I must be slipping in my old age.
  • It's comforting to know that the past is safe in flea markets. I can't wait to go back. There's still a whole lot of bubble gum for me to throw away.

10 Months Studying Under the World's Greatest Zen Master OR How I Became a Dog Person

I presented the following at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Stillwater this morning.



Until last year, I had never owned a dog.

Growing up, we had a gold fish named Zach Morris who lived to the ripe old age of forty-eight hours, and an African Grey parrot -- creatively named "Bird" -- that my sister and I weren't allowed to touch, not because she cost more than my first car, but because the creature hated kids, had talons like a sharpened number two pencil, a vice-like grip, and an eagerness to use both.

But I liked dogs. Really, I did. But after three years of marriage, and thirty years of having nothing to show for that affection, my wife felt like I needed to prove it.

Weeks of browsing the websites of humane societies and animal shelters passed before a shared Facebook post emerged from the mist. Someone had found a stray Great Dane/Labrador mix. They had contacted the owner, and they had had enough of her frequent escape attempts. The poster didn't have room for another dog, so the stray's next stop would be a shelter, and from there...

Well, at any rate, we sprang into action. Taking off early from work ahead of the Martin Luther King holiday, we went to go meet the Facebook friend-of-a-friend.

After a few pleasantries with the human in question, this lumbering, gangly, jet-black-except-for-the-grey-snout monster came out of the house's sliding glass door. From there, she immediately sauntered next to me, rubbing next to my leg, as if to say: "Hi there! I know we've just met, but I've decided we're best friends now!"

She then proceeded to fall on her back, legs akimbo, informing me beyond all doubt that: "If we're going to keep this 'best friends' thing going, I think it's time you learn of my fondness for belly rubs."

Which brings me to the first lesson I learned from this Buddha by way of a Labradane, this I Ching that could be mistaken for a small horse:

Never be afraid to be friendly; it costs you nothing. At the same time, it never hurts to set a few ground rules, especially where belly rubs are concerned.

We took her home within the hour, and promptly renamed her CJ Cregg, after Alison Janney's character on The West Wing, as befitting any tall lady destined to be the boss of any room she walks into.

While we were initially quite smitten with our recently adopted 5-year-old, we weren't prepared for how much of a spaz she would turn out to be. Long were the evenings where, somewhere between sleep and reality, she would twitch, kick and flail at nothing, without a single concern for the fact that she was the size of a velociraptor.

She possessed an Olympic-sized, fury-filled phobia of rabbits, but she wouldn't take that terror lying down. Her quest to bring their kind to justice shifted the balance of power in our neighborhood, and the hoppy little guys still whisper her name in fear to this day.

That first night she stayed with us, nervous of her new humans and surroundings, CJ considered the small army of toys we had purchased for her. She ignored all of them, except one: a twelve-inch squeak toy in the shape of Chewbacca the Wookiee. While CJ might have been our pet, Chewie was hers, and if you ever squeaked the thing in front of her, she would make her gentle disapproval known.

Now, I'm willing to grant that in that little ball of fur she saw some latent memory of a litter she cared for in years past, or that her softer Labrador jaw may have opted for the softest of the toys we made available. But I like to think that she was just really into Star Wars. It's a theory that only gained strength after she eschewed every tennis ball and bright red chew toy on the market in favor of only Star Wars toys, including plush representations of Yoda and an Ewok. Not only was she a Star Wars fan, our dog turned out to be a bit of a collector, and she was really only interested in the Original Trilogy. Just as it should be.

In short, she was quickly teaching me the second lesson she felt important:

Don't be afraid to be a weirdo; your people will find you one day.

As my office was closest to home, it fell on me to go home each day and make sure that CJ got the... ahem... outside time she needed during the day.

The procedure did not vary much day-to-day. I pull up in the driveway, and the sound of my engine immediately sends a wave of activity through the house. Blinds would rustle as if they had come to life on their own, and then a free-floating grey snout pokes out through the exposed section of the window. If anyone tried to break and enter at my house, the sight of CJ might have intimidated them away pretty quickly, but if they were willing to rub her belly, she'd probably help them load up the electronics.

I would enter through the front door to be met with a greeting that was the perfect cross-breed of pouting and impatience. From there I moved as quickly as I could to get her leash attached, and we were out the door. In a flash of kicking, spring-loaded legs CJ would conduct the pressing business of the afternoon, check every inch of the backyard's perimeter (the ongoing threat of bunny attack was something against which she remained ever-vigilant) and then promptly found the sunniest spot of the yard in which she could luxuriate.

The thing is, my lunch was pretty short. In the span of forty-five minutes I had to drive home and back to the office, and make sure CJ was taken care of. Also, I needed to, you know, ingest food so that I wasn't a walking, grouchy corpse before three in the afternoon.

There was never enough time. The ritual descended into chaos most days. In one particular instance, there was some crisis at work that needed my immediate attention (spoiler alert: it turned out to not be an emergency and it didn't need my attention), I was behind in my writing, I was in a not insignificant amount of pain that would soon lead me to my second surgery in as many years, I was hungry, I was tired, I was grouchy, and I really had to use the bathroom.

And the damned dog wasn't remotely interested in coming back inside.

I wished I could explain to her what was at stake. I wished I could tell her that all of this sunshine is great, but if I don't get back to my day-as-scheduled, and I mean right now, then the entire planet is likely to implode without me!

As crazy as that thought may sound, I'm sure it sounded even loopier to the neighbors when I stopped wishing I could explain my dilemma to her and started actually verbalizing it.

She took all of my words, curved her eyebrow in a way only she could and, after a fashion, said:

"Hey dad, I know you're really busy and everything. I don't understand what the hell it is you think is so important about those glowing rectangles. You call them computers, but for my money, they're broken squeaky toys. That's fine--we can continue that argument later.

"But I'm worried about you. Sunny days are a finite resource; I don't know how many we have left. I do know this: For me, this backyard is enough. It's pretty great. There are trees, and it is often free from dirty bunnies. For the next ten minutes, I think it should be enough for you, too. In ten minutes, I'll be a good dog and come back inside, but for right now I think we need to sit here and be quiet."

She then barked and licked her paw like a cat might, just so that I could know she was serious.

She made her point. I stayed out there for twenty minutes. Work would wait, and CJ managed to drive home yet another lesson that I'm still working on, you know, actually learning:

Sometimes all you need is grass beneath you, and sunshine above; although, to reach that particular level of nirvana, it helps if you're allowed to pee in the backyard.

The writing of this sermon has been hard; harder than you'll ever know. I'm inching towards the end now, and I have to get into what I've known this whole time, and what many of you have already suspected: This story doesn't come complete with a happy ending.

We only had CJ for about nine months before she started slowing down. Always a fussy eater for a dog her size, she got even fussier still. The Vet was at a loss to understand her rapid weight gain coupled with her stubborn refusal to eat. I internalized the mystery in front of us to mean that I had snuck her one too many pretzels in an ongoing campaign to buy and maintain her esteem. We kept going back and forth to the vet's office twice, even three times per week to get to the bottom of the matter. It had to be so demoralizing for her. Even though it was doing a number on Lora and me, CJ never lost her poise. I'm sure there was a lesson in her subdued reaction to prolonged poking and prodding, but I've yet to figure it out.

Then, after she even refused to -- under any circumstances -- take the pills meant to treat her mysterious symptoms, the vet finally got a clear read on the issue.

And, well...

My wife and the vet cried, I must have had a blank expression, as I really couldn't perceive much beyond the faint but persistent ringing in my ears. CJ, true to form, yawned in response to the news.

We took her home. From then on, we wouldn't struggle with the pills. Our days would be filled with treats, extended time up on the human bed, howling at nothing in particular, and ever-vigilant patrol of the ongoing rabbit plague.

That next day, I brought home Wendy's for lunch. I'd say it was the kind of culinary choice people make when confronted with sadness they don't yet know how to put into words, but it's eighty percent of my diet on a good day, so I'm really at a loss for excuses. Knowing the curative and restorative powers of flame-broiled beef, I also got our ailing pooch a bacon cheeseburger...

And I have to tell you, words will fail to assist me in describing the expression on her face:

This creature, who beyond a tummy ache couldn't have a conception of her impending fate, saw that cheeseburger in my hand and had a verifiable, theological revelation. In that moment, she knew one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt:

Heaven is real, and it had bacon on it.

Seizing the moment, she snatched the burger from my hand and led me on a chase through the house that ended only when CJ realized that she couldn't swallow the thing whole, and needed my help to tear it into chewable pieces.

It was another lesson she was trying to teach me, although she may have been too preoccupied to know that she was teaching me at that moment:

A cheeseburger is a luxury fit for Kings; and yet, it is always important to chew your food.

We had several good days during that time. Long gone were the people that kept her as an outside dog because actually caring for a pet was too much of a drag. She was loved, and she didn't need treats to know it.

But it didn't last.

The grim news from the vet came to pass. One more visit to her office still had to come.

Even though it seemed at that moment like we failed her somehow if we couldn't keep her happy and healthy for more than ten months; even if it seemed like everything was ending in that moment, she still had one more lesson she needed to teach, or more importantly, remind me of, before she had to go.

We sat in the vet's office, numbness the only human quality I could reach for. Another family passes us in the waiting room, and without any thought as to the circumstances of the moment, CJ trotted free of the hold I had on her leash and promptly sniffed the butt of the other family's German Shepherd. She had to be in such pain at that moment, and more than a little scared, but when I first met this dog ten months earlier, she made it clear that you should never be afraid to be friendly. On that last day, she made one final point that still vibrates through my head all of this time later:

Don't be afraid to be friendly, but remember this above all else: It's never too late to be friendly.

CJ Cregg the Puppy passed away a little over six months ago, and I wish I could tell you that I've internalized all her lessons and become a better man for all the heartache it cost.

But my dog dying so soon after she came home with us was kind of a bummer. I know! I was surprised, too. It felt like grief, I suppose, but I guess it had to be different. Dogs die all the time, and I probably should have been ready for it. That idea seemed pretty silly the instant I wrote it, but it pales in comparison to how silly I've been behaving in the months since.

I've been busy. Some might say -- cough, my wife, cough -- I've been so busy that I've been ignoring those pesky things that often crop up in the wake of tragedy and disappointment -- I think you humans call them "feelings." What's more, it feels like I've been doing my damnedest to ignore the things CJ tried to teach me while she was still here.

I still need the maximum allowable dosage of caffeine in the morning before friendliness is anywhere on the agenda.

As I'm growing older, I worry I'm, despite CJ's stellar example, becoming that most odious of things: normal. I'm fighting that development with everything I've got, but I think it's going to take a lot more than Star Wars toys to stay ahead of that ongoing struggle.

A cheeseburger isn't some sort of divinely manifested mana. For me, it barely qualifies as lunch.

I can't remember the last time I took that time for lunch to simply marvel in the wondrous serenity of a field of grass and clear skies. I know it's been at least six months.

I suppose sermons are meant for you, the people sitting out there, to bring you all to some greater understanding, or at the very least bring you closer to more profound questions. I hope there are some notions that CJ brought to my attention that might help you in your search for truth and meaning, but I'd be lying if I didn't say this one was aimed at one particular attendee of this service: me.

As of the end of this sermon, I'm going to be more or less on vacation, and I intend to take my own lessons to heart. I'm not going anywhere, but I think I may try to reach out to some old friends. I'm going to sit in my backyard and remember how much my dog enjoyed being out there. It goes without saying that I'll probably ingest a few cheeseburgers, but I may actually try to enjoy them.

In short, I will remember the interdependent web of existence of which we are all a part, and as that's an ongoing process, it's probably time for me to get another dog.​