A few changes will be coming to this space, starting next week.
Yes, you'll still be getting weekly updates from Party Now, Apocalypse Later HQ. I'll still be posting blogs here, but I may not be posting as regularly as I had in the past.
That's where you come in. In the past, we've dabbled with guest blogs on the site, and starting next week, there will be more entries by you, faithful reader. That way, there will always be something new in this space to take in.
Want to write one? We pay. We pay big. Okay, we pay $15.00 per post between 600-1200 words. Send your posts* here:
What should you write about? We're interested in almost anything, but the kind of pieces that will really attract our attention are ones that are along the same lines as the posts we've already done. Deep dives into the stranger corners of pop culturedom, lefty screeds, and the occasional personal essay are all welcome.
Keep in mind that some of the terms involved include, but aren't limited to first printing rights. We'll get into all of that with the contracts that will follow. Have your people call my people**. We'll do lunch.
What are you waiting for? Get to typing.
*Posts should be in either .doc, .docx., or .pages format. Please no PDF's, as they are harder to copy over to different formats, and no .rtf, because to this day no one has successfully explained to me why .rtf is worth a damn.
**Keep in mind, also, that "my people" is a cat that has no opposable thumbs, a terrible telephone manner, and will only allow me to hold her, and that for only brief flashes of time.