We* here at Party Now, Apocalypse Later Industries are busy putting an army of projects together, and are taking a week off.
In the meantime, I saw Spiderman: Homecoming this weekend. It's great! I was as surprised as anyone to realize that it's actually better than the previous acme of the web-slinger's escapades, Spiderman 2 (2004). It's surprising. It's funny. It has a great post-credit scene. It doesn't feel beholden to much of the previous Spidey canon, and in that is free to be as delightful as it wants to be. Maybe Martin Sheen isn't Uncle Ben anymore, but I think I can live with that.
If you didn't like it--and you are out there--I don't know what to do with you. Seriously. You can go now.
*It's just me. I don't know why I try to go for royal we when I refer to the company. But I do, and am likely to continue to do so.