Episode 6 - Beyond Little Shop of Horrors

Beyond Little Shop of Horrors
Beyond the Cabin in the Woods

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Little Shop of Horrors.

We had so much fun watching this movie and recording this episode.

Half of us were coughing* and all of us were at least moderately inebriated as we settled in to watch this comedy/musical/horror movie.

*I edited out all the coughs I could, guys.

We watched the original dark ending (everyone dies, y’all), and talk about why this comedy musical is a horror movie, Audrey’s wardrobe and décolletage, everyone’s secret Rick Moranis crush, dead spiders, blood donation, the chorus, that every song is our favorite, and Steve Martin’s fantastic turn as Orin Scrivello, DDS.


Quote: Feed me, Seymour!

Poll: Would you buy Audrey II? Would you feed it?

Rule: If it needs to drink my blood to live, let it die.



IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Frank Oz

Screenplay: Howard Ashman. Based on the film by: Roger Corman and 1960 screenplay by Charles B. Griffin

Relased: 1986


Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


#beyondthecabininthewoods  #beyondthecabin  #horror, #horrorfan, #horrorfilms, #horrormovies, #horrorfanatic, #horrorjunkie, #currentlywatching, #ilovehorror, #horrorlove, #horrorfamily, #horrorgeek, #horrornerd, #horroraddict #horrorlife, #horrorfreak, #horrorclub, #AdreanMessmer, #DonnaLeahey, #KenziWhala ,#debbiebuchanan, #SnarkCasts,
