Episode 22 - Beyond Rob Zombie's Halloween

Beyond Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007)
Beyond the Cabin in the Woods

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Rob Zombie’s Halloween

With Polterguest Mac, we discuss the Rob Zombie take on Halloween, which we dub the Michael Myers Origin Story. Bloodier and grittier than the Carpenter version, Zombie turns Michael Myers from an inhuman monster into a sympathetic victim of his own upbringing.


IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Rob Zombie

Written by: Rob Zombie, based on the screenplay by John Carpenter and Debra Hill

Released: 2007

Quote: You and that army of shirt-tuckers up there, you know exactly where he’s going!

Poll: What horror movie would you like to see Rob Zombie remake?

Rule: All any monster needs is a good hug.

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