Episode 37 - Beyond Hereditary

Beyond Hereditary
Beyond the Cabin in the Woods

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Hereditary

With honorary Polterguide Ryan (check out his blog for more of Ryan)

This episode is what happens when you caffeinate your Polterguides and have them watch a movie they have strong feelings about. And we have a LOT of strong feelings about Hereditary. Grief, parenting, mental illness, and some 70’s era possession stuff along with amazing acting and cinematography.

IMDB Synopsis

Written and directed by: Ari Aster

Released: 2018

Quote: Don’t you cuss at me you little shit! …and… That fucking face on your face!

Poll: Was Gabriel Byrne (#GabrielBurnz) in on this from the beginning and just got waylaid by the fire by accident?

Rule: Have a severe nut allergy? Bring your Epipen.

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Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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