Episode 43 - Beyond Kubrick's The Shining, part 2

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The Shining (1980) in our first two parter episode.

The Stephen King Suite

We pick back up with more discussion of Jack’s typed pages. We engage in a spirited discussion of Jack Torrance’s character. We have opinion’s of Kubrick’s treatment of Shelly Duval. Also, you can really tell who’s a writer and who’s not by how they react to Jack and Wendy!

Quote: You’ve always been the caretaker, sir.

Poll: Just how early in the movie has Jack gone crazy.

Rule: Don’t go rescuing white people who voluntarily check into the hotel for the winter.


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Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 42 - Beyond Kubrick's The Shining, part 1

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The Shining (1980)

The Stephen King Suite

 The Shining: Love it? Hate it?

…So do your Polterguides.

We had a lot to say about Kubrick’s take on King’s classic novel.


Because we suffer for our craft, we also watched the “documentary” Room 237 – which is some crazy crazy stuff.







IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Stanley Kubrick

Written by: Stanley Kubrick and Diane Johnson, “based” on the novel by Stephen King

Released: 1980

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Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 41 - Beyond The Legend of Hell House

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The Legend of Hell House

The Haunting of the Hell House on the Hill Suite

After watching our fourth “trapped in a haunted house” movie, your Polterguides are ready to talk. Besides discussing Hell House, we thoroughly hash out our werewolf versus vampire preference (Donna’s personal rule: Don’t sleep with dead things).




IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: John Hough       

Written by: Richard Matheson

Released: 1973

Quote one: Leave a sample in the jar, please.


Poll: Rank the Haunting of the Hell House on the Hill Suite

Rule: When you’re staying at a haunted for money, don’t split up, ffs!



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Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 40 - Beyond the House on Haunted Hill (1959)

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The House on Haunted Hill (1959)

The Haunting of the Hell House on the Hill Suite

Take a Femme Fatale, a brave and handsome test pilot, a squirrely dude, a pretty girl, and Vincent Price and what do you get? The campy and fun House on Haunted Hill. Also, a movie credit for a plastic skeleton. Seriously. It’s got it’s own IMDB page.





IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: William Castle, Rosemary Horvath (uncredited)

Written by: Robb White

Released: 1959

Quote: They’re coming for me now. And then they’ll come for you.

Poll: How much money would it take for you to spend the night in a haunted house full of strangers.

Rule: There are no ways to kill your spouse and avoid suspicion.


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 39 - Beyond The Haunting

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The Haunting

The Haunting of the Hell House on the Hill Suite

A professor invites two women to spend the night at a haunted house. What could go wrong? All of it. All of it could go wrong. We talk about the not-at-all subtle gayness of Theo, the nimbleness of Russ Tamblyn, the variability of Nell, and the spot-on mustache game of Dr. Markway.


IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Robert Wise

Written by: Nelson Gidding, based on the novel by Shirley Jackson

Released: 1963

Quote (Iconic): Whatever walks there, walks alone

Quote (Less iconic, but funnier): I’m coming! I’m coming! Whatever it wants of me, it can have!

Poll: Do you try to like a classic movie because of its classic status?

Rule: Do your homework before spending the night in a haunted house.


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 38 - Beyond THIR13EN Ghosts

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond THIR13EN Ghosts

The Haunting of the Hell House on the Hill Suite

oh boy. Oh… boy. This movie is something else.

We start off arguing about whether THIR13EN Ghosts is like eating popcorn, or fried snickers, or fried catshit, then move on to whether Matthew Lillard is awesome or awesomely annoying. We have more plans for our eventual merch store and discuss converting spells from reel-to-reel to MP3 format.

IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Steve Beck

Written by: Neal Marshall and Richard D'Ovidio

Released: 2001

Quote: Hey Glass Family Robinson, you’re wasting your time.

Poll:  Would you stay in a house that ate the key and took that long to open?

Rule: If you can be anybody, be C̶o̶o̶p̶e̶r̶   Maggie

If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 37 - Beyond Hereditary

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Hereditary

With honorary Polterguide Ryan (check out his blog for more of Ryan)

This episode is what happens when you caffeinate your Polterguides and have them watch a movie they have strong feelings about. And we have a LOT of strong feelings about Hereditary. Grief, parenting, mental illness, and some 70’s era possession stuff along with amazing acting and cinematography.

IMDB Synopsis

Written and directed by: Ari Aster

Released: 2018

Quote: Don’t you cuss at me you little shit! …and… That fucking face on your face!

Poll: Was Gabriel Byrne (#GabrielBurnz) in on this from the beginning and just got waylaid by the fire by accident?

Rule: Have a severe nut allergy? Bring your Epipen.

If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Episode 36 - Beyond The Thing (1982)

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The Thing (1982)

In the world of The Thing, there are no women, there are a lot of scruffy white guys, and no dog is safe. Donna was traumatized, Kenzi was delighted, Debbie stands up for gingers’ rights, and Mac realized a childhood dream in watching this film.






IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: John Carpenter

Written by: Bill Lancaster

Released: 1982

Quote: Nobody trusts anybody now, and we’re all so tired.

Poll: Is the Thing a member of the crew of the ship that crashed in the opening or was it some sort of prisoner or a substance on the ship?

Auxiliary Poll: Fuck-Marry-Kill MacReady, Snake Pliskin, Jack Burton

Rule: Never accept dogs from  ̶S̶w̶e̶d̶e̶s̶ Norwegians


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 35 - Beyond Psycho

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Psycho

We’re all in love with Janet Leigh, Tony Perkins and John Galvin. We pan the need for the shot-for-shot remake. Mac learns what S&M really means. Problematic men of the 60’s.

IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock

Written by: Joseph Stefano, based on the novel by Robert Bloch

Released: 1960

Quote: I think that we're all in our private traps, clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out.

            Honorable mention: I’ll lick the stamps


Rule: It’s always the nice guys™ who will stab you in the shower.


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 34 - Beyond Twilight Zone: The Movie

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Twilight Zone: The Movie

Along with Polterguest Ryan, we had a lot to say about this film – so much, we made a super-sized episode! We talk about John Landis’s involvement in the death of Vic Morrow and two child actors on the set of the film. We learn the word “Discrimiflip.” Spielberg teaches us about an overused trope. We do a great inadvertent ad for Fat Guys Burger bar (Hit us up, Fat Guys)! And so much more!

IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Joe Dante, John Landis, George Miller, Steven Spielberg

Written by:  John Landis, George Clayton Johnson, Richard Matheson, Melissa Mathison, Jerome Bixby, Rod Serling

Released: 1983

Watch at your own risk: Helicopter Crash on the Set of Twilight Zone The Movie


Time Out: I don’t care what you gentlemen think, as long as we don’t have to listen to it.

Kick the Can: Sunnyvale Rest Home: Where hope is just a memory

It’s a good Life: Anything can happen in cartoons!

Nightmare at 20,000 Feet: You big silly, you used to be a normal person!

Overall: Hey, you want to see something really scary?


Time Out: Don’t be a racist shitbag.

Kick the Can: When Scatman Crothers asks you to kick the can, you say yes.

It’s a good Life: Don’t go to the second location – it’s just a good rule for life.

Nightmare at 20,000 Feet: Take the aisle seat. You’ll sleep better

Overall: Don’t pick up hitchhikers.

Poll: Which classic episode should have been remade?


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 33 - Beyond Truth or Dare

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Truth or Dare

This diverse cast of attractive young people traveled to Mexico for spring break and imitation Harry Potter introduces them into a possessed game of Truth or Dare.

Also, a mini-segment on Ready Player One.




IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Jeff Wadlow

Written by: Jillian Jacobs, Michael Reisz, Christopher Roach, Jeff Wadlow

Released: 2018

Quote: I brought you all up here because I’m OK with strangers dying if it means I get to live.


Rule: Don’t trespass disrespectfully at an abandoned church.


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 32 - Beyond A Quiet Place

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond A Quiet Place

Your Polterguides, along with Polterguest Shannon, discuss this family-centric horror film. Topics include which Star Trek character was the hottest, how to keep your fitbit happy, the fact that these characters actually had names, the untouched potato chip aisle, the amazing acting, the it-better-win-an-oscar sound design, and what in the world would possess you to get pregnant in a world where noise = death.

IMDB Synopsis

Directed by:  John Krasinski

Written by: Bryan Woods, Scott Beck, and John Krasinski

Released: 2018

Quote: I. Love. You. I have always loved you.

Poll: How long would you survive in this particular apocalyptic setting?

Rule: Supervise your children!


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


#beyondthecabininthewoods  #beyondthecabin  #horror, #horrorfan, #horrorfilms, #horrormovies, #horrorfanatic, #horrorjunkie, #currentlywatching, #ilovehorror, #horrorlove, #horrorfamily, #horrorgeek, #horrornerd, #horroraddict #horrorlife, #horrorfreak, #horrorclub, #AdreanMessmer, #DonnaLeahey, #KenziWhala ,#debbiebuchanan, #macboyle #SnarkCasts #gumbiecatnetwork

Episode 31 - The Cloverfield Paradox

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The Cloverfield Paradox

The Polterguides watched Netflix’s Cloverfield Paradox. We had a lot of feelings about this movie, which mostly boil down to other movies have done the things in this movie already and done them better. It had some good points, most of them were that Chris O’Dowd was an actor in this movie. Actually, the entire cast was great.

IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Julius Onah

Written by: Oren Uziel and Doug Jung

Released: 2018

Quote: Earth? It’s the big, blue, ball full of angry people! / Kansas? Really? Who gives a shit?

Poll: Would you kill 3 people to save 8 billion?

Rule: We only have one Earth, please don’t fuck it up.

Auxilliary rule: Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


#beyondthecabininthewoods  #beyondthecabin  #horror, #horrorfan, #horrorfilms, #horrormovies, #horrorfanatic, #horrorjunkie, #currentlywatching, #ilovehorror, #horrorlove, #horrorfamily, #horrorgeek, #horrornerd, #horroraddict #horrorlife, #horrorfreak, #horrorclub, #AdreanMessmer, #DonnaLeahey, #KenziWhala ,#debbiebuchanan, #macboyle #SnarkCasts #gumbiecatnetwork

Episode 30 - Beyond Plan 9 from Outer Space

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Plan 9 From Outer Space

Plan 9 from Outer Space. Generally considered the worst movie ever made. So of course, we watched it.

Since the movie is in the public domain, Polterguide Mac put up a video of the full length movie with our comments over it. Beyond the Cabin in the Woods versus Plan 9 from Outer Space This episode was an experiment. We recorded it while watching Plan 9. That means the audio from the movie is in this podcast. And that means you may enjoy the video more than the podcast by itself. On the other hand, that means you will have watched the worst movie ever made. Sorry.



IMDB Synopsis

Written and Directed by: Edward D. Wood, Jr.

Released: 1959

Quote: Remember, my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future.

Poll: Who is the Ed Wood of your friend group?

Rule: After you’ve failed through eight plans, call it a day.


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 29 - Beyond Annihilation

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Annihilation

 This movie is spectacularly beautiful and was abandoned at the last minute by Paramount’s publicity department. Not so much based on Jeff Vandermeer’s book as set in the roughly the same world, this movie tells the story of an expedition into the Southern Reach’s Area X.


IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Alex Garland

Written by: Alex Garland based on the novel by Jeff Vandermeer  

Released: 2018

Quote: Almost none of us commit suicide, almost everyone self-destructs. Isn’t self-destruction programmed into us?

Poll: Would you go into the shimmer for your significant other?

Rule: Don’t cheat on your spouse.


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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Episode 28 - Beyond Winchester

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond Winchester

Listen, we understand. By the time this episode goes up, you’ve already forgotten that a movie named Winchester ever existed. If it helps, we spend a lot of time talking about other movies (Terminator, Alien, Scooby Doo, Caligula, and so many more…)

Seriously, don’t worry about watching the movie first. Sure, we spoil the hell out of it, but were you really planning to see it anyway?

So, listen to this episode because you love our sparkling personalities!


IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: The Spierig Brothers

Written by: Tim Vaugn and the Spierig Brothers

Released 2018:

Quote: It’s quite a special house, isn’t it? That, ma’am, is beyond dispute.

Poll:  Was this movie doomed from the start, or was a victim of a studio didn’t believe in it?

Rule: Reload the bullet – if you’ve ever been shot to death and recovered.


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


#beyondthecabininthewoods  #beyondthecabin  #horror, #horrorfan, #horrorfilms, #horrormovies, #horrorfanatic, #horrorjunkie, #currentlywatching, #ilovehorror, #horrorlove, #horrorfamily, #horrorgeek, #horrornerd, #horroraddict #horrorlife, #horrorfreak, #horrorclub, #AdreanMessmer, #DonnaLeahey, #KenziWhala ,#debbiebuchanan, #SnarkCasts #gumbiecatnetwork

Episode 27 - Beyond The Conjuring

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The Conjuring

With Polterguest Jack, your Polterguides watched the “real life” story of The Conjuring. Supernatural investigators The Warrens check out an old house with a bad history. We had a lot of opinions about this movie. The Warrens. Witches. Demons. Possessions. Exorcisms. And creepy dolls.


IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: James Wan

Written by: Chad Hayes, Carey W. Hayes

Released: 2013

Quote: Sometimes, when you get haunted, it’s like stepping in gum.

Poll: After the second game of hide-n-clap, would you stay? Or call the Warrens?

Rule: If a dog doesn’t like a thing, it is a bad thing, and you should abandon it (the thing, not the dog).


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


#beyondthecabininthewoods  #beyondthecabin  #horror, #horrorfan, #horrorfilms, #horrormovies, #horrorfanatic, #horrorjunkie, #currentlywatching, #ilovehorror, #horrorlove, #horrorfamily, #horrorgeek, #horrornerd, #horroraddict #horrorlife, #horrorfreak, #horrorclub, #AdreanMessmer, #DonnaLeahey, #KenziWhala ,#debbiebuchanan, #SnarkCasts #gumbiecatnetwork

Episode 26 - Beyond The Girl with all the Gifts

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The Girl With All the Gifts

Your Polterguides watched the post-apoc fungus-zombie flick The Girl with All the Gifts. We really enjoyed this movie and you will too! Glenn Close is amazing and the Hungries are super creepy.



IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: Colm McCarthy

Written by: Mike Carey

Released: 2016

Quote: It’s not over. It’s just not yours anymore

Poll: Is it morally acceptable, or praiseworthy, or even obligatory, to commit genocide when your own race is in imminent danger of extinction.

Rule: There is not rule that will help you in this world – you’re on your own.


If you enjoyed this, please consider buying us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/A487KYM

Our logo was created by Billy Whala and Debbie Buchanan.

Some parts of it are used under a creative commons license:
Designed by Freepik

Our music was modified from Dementia by Decomentarium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


#beyondthecabininthewoods  #beyondthecabin  #horror, #horrorfan, #horrorfilms, #horrormovies, #horrorfanatic, #horrorjunkie, #currentlywatching, #ilovehorror, #horrorlove, #horrorfamily, #horrorgeek, #horrornerd, #horroraddict #horrorlife, #horrorfreak, #horrorclub, #AdreanMessmer, #DonnaLeahey, #KenziWhala ,#debbiebuchanan, #SnarkCasts #gumbiecatnetwork

Episode 25 - Beyond the Bride of Frankenstein

Beyond the Cabin in the Woods goes beyond The Bride of Frankenstein

Your Polterguides would like to apologize in advance for their rendition of “There’s a Light.” We’re so sorry.

The Polterguides watched the Universal Classic Bride of Frankenstein.  The 1935 classic holds up amazingly well after more than 80 years. Your Polterguides loved Mary Shelly’s sass, Dr. Praetorius’ little people in jars, and what actually went into the new monster’s brain.

If you haven’t seen Bride, SEE IT. You’ll notice its influence on everything from Weird Science to the Rocky Horror Picture Show (hence the weird cat-like screeching we subject you to at the beginning).


IMDB Synopsis

Directed by: James Whale

Written by: William Hurlbutt, based on the story by Mary Shelly

Released: 1935

Quote: To a new world of gods and monsters. Mwua ha ha ha!

Poll:  Which is scarier – Monsters? Or Man?

Rule: Make sure people want to be your friend.


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