I was about 800 words into my views on the state of Star Wars, when it became clear that there really isn’t much left to say on the subject. I liked The Last Jedi very much. Stories are subjective, though. I think there is room for reasonable people to not care for the movie.
However, if you dismiss the movie because you think “Luke would never do that,” then I really believe you’re missing the point of these movies.
If you don’t like the movie because you don’t like black people or women (and you are out there...) then maybe fuck right the fuck off. You got a President, let us have our Laser Sword movies.
That felt surprisingly good to type...
At any rate, beyond the above thoughts, I’m pretty sure I would just be contributing to the noise on the subject.
Why not write about something else? I’m still tired. All year, I pointed to the winter holidays as a time I would slow down, take stock, and get ready for the new year. While I was objectively pretty productive this year, I still feel like I didn’t get enough done.
So I want to keep working on the other stuff. In the meantime, I’m watching Back to the Futures Part II and III...
Almost like a real vacation!
Talk to everybody next week!