nuHmey wISov*! Your first officer Mac, here. While your away team continues their march through the Final Frontier (listen here, and subscribe wherever fine podcasts are streamed or downloaded), there is so much more to the Trek universe to watch, take in, and, in this case, read.

This blog has taken a bit of a moratorium for a moment, but as the December list is pretty brief, there was no better time to start things back up again.

Every month Amazon puts an array of Star Trek tie-in books on sale for the dirt-cheap price of $0.99. If you’re anything like me, you’ll buy nearly anything Trek-related if it’s less than a dollar… which is why I have (some reference to a super-cheap Trek tie-in product). But you may find yourself wondering which books are on sale this month. Never fear! As a special holiday service for last minute shoppers, here are each of the books on sale in December!

Vanguard Series by Various Authors

I’ve been looking forward to picking up this series just as soon as the price dropped. I always imagined that they would become available in drips and drabs, but we’re all in luck Trek fans, all nine entries in the series (including the novella collection, Declassified). I’ve never read the series at all, and an epic Star Trek tale available in its entirety is a very alluring prospect right now. All I want to do right now is put a pause on the world and take a deep dive into the world of the 23rd century for as long as it will have me.

But then again, I suppose I’ve always wanted that a little bit.

Not enough for you? Well, there is one more book which might wet your whistle.

I, Q by John de Lancie and Peter David

Hard not to like those time when the performer takes on a first person narration, and whether Peter David (Imzadi, the New Frontier series) is truly ghost-writing the book or just collaborating, that’s not a bad pedigree all around for your late 90s Trek books. I remember reading this one back when it first came out and enjoying it immensely. After re-reading David’s Q-Squared recently, I can’t help but be excited to read this one again… whenever I manage to find the time to get around to that.

That’s it for this month’s books. With any luck, posts here on this blog will pick back up again (but as soon as I type that, I know I’m tempting fate). In the meantime, it sure does look like we’re not going to have to go more than a week or two without new televised Trek for a while. It’s a hell of a time to be running a Star Trek re-watch podcast, let me tell you.

*Roughly translated from Klingon, “Welcome, bibliophiles.” “Welcome” is probably a bit of a stretch, but anyone who thought the children of Kahless wouldn’t have a word for “bibliophile” has clearly not read Shakespeare in the original text.