Medical Emergency, Part 6 - Deep Space Nine (Part 1)

Join Captain Lora and First Officer Mac as they find a runabout pad and talk about their feelings for the third live-action Trek series, Deep Space Nine. Controversial to some fans, Mac and Lora have an affection for the show. Well, Mac loves the show. A lot. Too much? Maybe. He goes on…

And on…

And on…

To the point where we—in true DS9 fashion—have enough material for multiple shows. Join us next week for our top five episodes of the series.





“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!
