Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Your Away Team takes the super-secret wormhole from the beginning of Season 3 straight through to the first (and certainly most relatively expensive) of the Star Trek movies with 1979’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture. There are plenty of comparisons, as it turns out.

After spending some time staring at clouds, playing a few rounds of The Price Is Right (movie budget edition), and somehow descending into a war of words about the virtues of Tarzan (1999?) we are heartened by the looming threat of Khan ahead.

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit With our shift to the movies, BIG THINGS will be happening here, including more content, so stay tuned! Or as tuned as one can be when the thing we’re dealing with is a podcast…

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!

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