Shore Leave/The Galileo Seven

Meet Leroy. He runs a pleasure planet and he’s very concerned you’re going to ruin it for everyone. Your away team take a brief break with “Shore Leave” before boring themselves to tears with “The Galileo Seven.” Along the way, they grapple with the question that has stymied Trekkies since 1966:

Just how horny is Dr. McCoy?

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit While we are socially distancing due to COVID-19, the audio quality of the show may be a little haphazard. We’d apologize, but there are far bigger things to be worried about right now, right?

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!

This episode uses several sound effects from

synth-sparkle.wav by komit (

birds-chirping-o4.wav by swiftoid (


The Conscience of the King/Balance of Terror

Wherein our dauntless away team reunite (the jury is still out as to who was actually missing) just in time to talk about Shakespeare, Space Hitlers, inappropriate Scottish Play casting, weddings in space, and bureaucratic weapons fire. Is that you, dad?!

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit While we are socially distancing due to COVID-19, the audio quality of the show may be a little haphazard. We’d apologize, but there are far bigger things to be worried about right now, right?

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!

This episode uses several sound effects from

theremin-alone.aif by dj-burnham (

sci-fi-laboratory-ambience.ogg by qubodup (

synth-sparkle.wav by komit (


Medical Emergency, Part 10 - Lower Decks

Captain Lora and First Officer Mac finish their Medical Emergency run by taking a look at the newest, still-in-progress animated series, Lower Decks. Lora is a Boimler, and Mac is a Mariner, if you were interested. Much like with their discussions on “Picard” and “Discovery,” they have almost no patience for the army of people who would do nothing but complain about new Star Trek. Next time, the Medical Emergency series may be at an end (even if the actual medical emergency is very much still among us) but Z and Eris will rejoin us as we resume our course—episode by episode—through The Original Series.







“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Medical Emergency, Part 9 - The Next Generation (Part 2)

Captain Lora and First Officer Mac continue their deep-dive into TNG with their best-of (both worlds) list. Prepare yourself for a shock, but a Season 2 episode finds its way onto the list. Don’t worry, it’s not “Shades of Gray.” Join us next week for a mid-season check-in with the newest Trek, Lower Decks, before we modify our main deflector dish to emit an inverse tachyon pulse, bring back our co-hosts, and maybe get back on-format!








“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Medical Emergency, Part 8 - The Next Generation (Part 1)

Captain Lora and First Officer Mac are put on trial for being representatives of a dangerous, savage, child race. Their only hope for clemency before being erased from existence by Q (who should really get to be on Season 2 of Picard, right?) is to deep-dive into Star Trek: The Next Generation. The high highs of the “collar-up” years! The low-lows of “Code of Honor”! More than a little chatter about how Dr. Crusher was tragically underserved (and should *really* be in Season 2 of Picard, right?). They had so much to say, that you’re just going to have to wait two weeks for the best-of (both worlds?) lists! Cliffhanger!!!






“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Medical Emergency, Part 7 - Deep Space Nine (Part 2)

Rejoin Captain Lora and First Officer Mac on their journey through the Gamma Quadrant, and listen to their favorite episodes. Lora loves the Ferengi. Mac loves the Ferengi and everybody!






“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Medical Emergency, Part 6 - Deep Space Nine (Part 1)

Join Captain Lora and First Officer Mac as they find a runabout pad and talk about their feelings for the third live-action Trek series, Deep Space Nine. Controversial to some fans, Mac and Lora have an affection for the show. Well, Mac loves the show. A lot. Too much? Maybe. He goes on…

And on…

And on…

To the point where we—in true DS9 fashion—have enough material for multiple shows. Join us next week for our top five episodes of the series.





“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Medical Emergency, Part 5 - Voyager

Join Captain Lora and First Officer Mac as they desperately try to find their way out of the Delta Quadrant with. That’s right, folks, it’s time to reckon with Star Trek Voyager. Loved by some, loathed by others, our away team lands somewhere in the middle. A strong concept and a crackerjack cast were never brought to their full potential, but there are a few things to love. There are also lizard babies.




“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Medical Emergency, Part 4 - EnterprIse

Join Captain Lora and First Officer Mac as they spend a few minutes in the 22nd century with Archer, T’Pol, and the rest for Star Trek: Enterprise, the little show that should have gotten seven seasons, but was cut off in its prime. They talk about the show (and the theme song), what they love, what they don’t love so much (and the the theme song). Meanwhile, in the commercial break, Mac announces that anyone who doesn’t wear a mask out in public will not be invited to his birthday party. It’s come to that.



“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Medical Emergency, Part 3 - The Kelvin Universe

Captain Lora and First Officer Mac have used the last of their Red Matter, jumped into a black hole… and still can’t seem to find Z or Eris. We’re sure they’ll turn up, just like Admiral Archer’s prized beagle. In the meantime, join them as they discuss the Bad Robot/J.J. Abrams movies, Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), and Star Trek Beyond (2016). They talk the highs and lows of the new series and contemplate what the future might bring. During the commercial break, Mac pitches a new direction for the show if quarantine continues and it… doesn’t go over well. Join us next time as we discuss Enterprise!

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Medical Emergency, Part 2 - Star Trek: Discovery

Captain Lora and First Officer Mac continue their efforts to avoid various spores and fungi in exile for another week. They talk about the vanguard of a new age of televised Star Trek — Discovery! Tilly’s great! Klingons have never looked consistent! And smart, capable women are a delight to watch. Also, we’d like our Pike show now, please.

Join us on our normal air dates as we will devote a mini episode to one of the several series in canon. We hope to get back to our normal format as soon as experts tell us it is safe to record podcasts again. In the mean time, stay safe, help others where you can, and listen to scientists. It’s what Dr. Culber would want us all to do, and after everything he’s been through, can we just all chill out and listen to him for a second?

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Medical Emergency, Part 1: Star Trek: Picard

Oh no! A static warp bubble has enveloped the away team! Join Captain Lora and First Officer Mac as the universe begins to contract around them. Without their stalwart shipmates on deck, they are changing the format of the show slightly and discussing more recent Star Trek fare. Join them as they discuss the recently concluded first season of the highly anticipated return of Sir Patrick Stewart to the role that made him a household name. They’ll talk about what they liked (most of it), what they didn’t like (just a few teeny, tiny bits), and grapple with that truly unknowable question:

Where the f@#$ is Doctor Crusher?

Join us on our normal air dates as we will devote a mini episode to one of the several series in canon. We hope to get back to our normal format as soon as experts tell us it is safe to record podcasts again. In the mean time, stay safe, help others where you can, and listen to scientists. It’s what Jean-Luc would want us all to do.

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


The Menagerie, Parts 1 and 2

Wherein our (now quarantined) away team watch an episode where the cast watches an episode of Star Trek that’s about aliens watching another crew. Beep. (Or is it Beep, beep?)

This is the last of our episodes we had stocked up before COVID-19 needed us all to stay in our houses. Your away team looks forward to recording new episodes as soon as possible. In the mean time, keep watching Trek, and we’ll try to put out some content for you in some format. Keep your browser tuned to

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Dagger of the Mind/The Corbomite Maneuver

Wherein our fearless away team wonder about Enterprise Christmas parties and spend far more time making jokes about the laxative properties of tranya. We hope you relish it as much as we do.

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


What Are Little Girls Made Of?/Miri

Wherein our away team marvels at a planet run by marital aids, and then gets pretty uncomfortable with the way Kirk decides to interact with people.

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


The Enemy Within/Mudd's Women

Wherein our dauntless away team wrestle with their obvious stunt doubles and contemplate whether snorting starship fuel will make one feel sexy.

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Where No Man Has Gone Before/The Naked Time

Wherein our intrepid away team continues by going back to one of two pilots, and then gets drunk on some polywater.

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


The Man Trap/Charlie X

Wherein our brave away team begins their journey, grapple with the salt vampire, and come face to face with that most arduous challenge: omnipotent adolescence.

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!


Welcome aboard the Holodeck is Broken!

Wherein your away team introduces themselves, and sets out on a long, uncertain journey through space, time, and 1960s television!

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!
